1 a The earnestines of is praier declareth the vehemencie of his grief in so much as he is compelled to burst out into cryes.
1 ! Dauid being in great heauines & distresse complaineth of the crueltie of Saul.
3 b For the threatenings of Saul & his adherents.
3 c They haue diffamed me as a wicked persone: or, they haue imagined me destruction.
5 d There was no parte of him that was not astonied with extreme feare.
6 e Feare had driuen him to so great distres, that he wished to be hid in some wildernes, & to be banished from that kingdome, which God had promised that he shulde enjoye.
8 f From the cruel rage & tyranie of Saul.
9 g As in the confusion of Babylon, when the wicked conspired against God.
10 h All laws & good orders are broken, & onelie vice & disolution reigneth vnder Saul.
12 i If mine open eneie had soght mine hurt, I colde the better haue auoyded him.
13 ! And of the falsehood of his familiar acquaintance,
13 k Which was not onely joyned to me in friendship & counsel in worldlie matters, but also in religion.
15 l As Korah, Dathan & Abiram.
17 ! Utering moste ardent affections to moue the Lord to pitie him.
17 m Which signifieth a seruent minde & sure truste to obteine his petition, which thing made him earnest at all times in praier.
18 n Euen the Angels of God foght on my side against mine enemies, {2 King. 6,16}
19 o But their prosperous estate stil continueth.
20 p I did not provoke him, but was at peace with him, yet he made warre against me.
22 / Or, gift: to wit which thou woldest that God shulde giue thee.
22 q Thogh for their bettering & trial he suffer them to slip for a time.
22 ! After being assured of deliuearnce, he setteth forthe the grace of God as thogh he had already obetined his request.
23 r Thogh they sometime liue longer, yet their life is cursed of God, vnquiet & worse then anie death.