1 ! Dauid deliuered from great danger, doeth magnifie and praise the grace of God for his deliuerance, & commendeth his prouidence towards all mankinde.
1 a Thogh God differred his helpe, yet he paciently abode, til he was heard.
3 c That is, a special occasion to praise him: for Gods benefites are so manie occasions for vs to praise his Name.
5 e Dauid goeth from one kinde of Gods fauour to the contemplation of his prouidence ouer all & confesseth that his counsels towards vs are farre aboue our capacities: we can not so much as tel them in ordre.
5 ! Then doeth he promise to giue him self wholly to Gods seruice & so declareth how God is truly worship.
6 f Thou hast opened mine cares to vnderstand the spiritual meaning of the sacrifices: and here Dauid estemeth the ceremonies of the Law nothing in respect of the spiritual seruice.
7 g When thou hadest opened mine eares & heart, I was readie to obei thee, being assured that I was written in the boke of thine elect for this end.
10 i Dauid here nombreth 3 degrees of our saluacion: Gods mercie, whereby he pitieth vs: his righteousnes, which signifieth his continual protection, and his trueth, whereby appeareth his constant fauour, so that hereof procedeth our saluation.
12 k As touching the judgement of the flesh, I was vtterly destitute of all counsel: yet faith inwardly moued mine heart to praye.
14 ! Afterward he giueth thankes & praiseth God, & hauing complained of his enemies, with good courage he calleth for aide and succour.
14 l He desireth that Gods mercie may contend for him against the rage of his enemies.