1 ! The bountie and prouidence of God, which extendeth euen to the yong rauens, giueth manful occasion to put his confidence in God.
1 a After he had declared Gods workes in the heauens, he sheweth his maruelous prouidence in earth, euen toward the brutte beasts.
4 c He chiefly maketh mencion of wilde goates & hindes, becaue they bring forthe their young with moste difficultie.
12 g It is possible to make the vnicorne tame? signifing that if man can not rule a creature, that it is muche more impossible that he shulde appoint the wisdome of God, whereby he gouerneth all the worlde.
17 h Thei write that the ostrich couereth her egges in the sand, and because the countrey is hote and the sunne stil kepeth them warme, they are hatched.
22 m That is, giue him courage? which is ment by neying and shaking his mane: for with his breath he couereth his necke.
37 ! Job cofesseth & humbleth him self.