2 a Job here answereth to the point of Eliphaz and Bildads ocacion, touching the justice of God & his innocencie, confessing God to be infinit in justice, and man to be nothing in respect.
6 c He declareth what is the infirmite and incomprehensible power that is in God, shweing what he colde do, if he wolde set forthe his power.
9 d These are the names of certeine starres, whereby he meaneth that all starres bothe knowen & vnknowen are at his appointement.
11 e I am not able to comprehend his workes, which are commune and daily before mine eyes, muche lesse in those things, which are hid and secret.
12 f He sheweth that when God doeth execute his power, he doeth it justely, for asmuch as none can controle him.
13 h That is, all the reasons that men can laie to approue their cause.
14 i How shulde I be able to answer him by eloquence: whereby he noteth his friends, that albeit thei were eloquent in talke, yet thei felt not in heart, that which thei spake.
15 k Meaning, in his owne opinion, signifying that man wil sometime flatter him slef to be rightes, which before God is abominacion.
16 l Whiles I am in my pangs, I can not but brast forthe into many inconuensences, althogh I know stil that God is just.
17 m I am not able to fele my sinnes so great, as I fele the weight of his plagues: & this he speaketh to condemne his dulnes, and to justifie God.
20 o If I woulde stande in mine owne defence, yet God hathe juste cause to condemne me, if he examine mine heart, & conscience.
22 p If God punish according to his justice, he wil destroye aswel them that are counted perfite, as them that are wicked.
23 r This is spoken according to our apprehension, as thogh he wolde say, If God destroye but the wicked, as {chap 5,3}, why shulde he suffer the innocents to be so long tormented by them?
23 q To wit, the wicked.
24 t That can shewe the contrary?
27 u I thinke not to fall into these affections, but my sorowes bring men to these manifolde infirmities, & my conscience condemneth me.
29 x Why doeth not God destroye me at once? thus he speaketh according to the infirmitie of the flesh.