1 ! The people repent & forsake their strange wiues.
26 e Taking heauen and earth to witnes that God wolde destroy them, except thei returned as {2 Chro. 24,19}
26 ! And their ingratitude.
28 f He declareth how Gods mercies euer contended with the wickednes of the people, who euer in their prosperitie forgate God.
29 h When thou didest admonish them by thy Prophets.
30 / Ebr. thou didst prolong vpon them many yeres.
32 i By whome we were led away into captiuitie, & haue bene appointed to be slaine, as {Ester. 3,13}
33 k He confesseth that all these things came to them justely for their sinnes, but he appealeth from Gods justice to his mercies.