1 a The Ebrewes write, that diuers of the Kings of Persia were called by this name, as Pharaoh was a commune name to the Kings of Egypt, and Cesar to the Emperours Romain.
6 c He sheweth here what a scribe is, who had charge to write the Law & to expunde it, whome Marke calleth a scribe, {Mar. 12,28} Mat. and Luke calle him a lawier, or doctor of the Law, {Mat. 22:35], {Luk. 10,25}
8 e Of King Darius.
12 f Some take this for the name of a people, some for time or continuance meaning that the King wished him long life.
14 i Whereof thou art expert.
22 m Read {1 King 7,26}, and {2 Chro. 2,10}
23 n This declareth that the feare of Gods judgements caused him to vse this liberalirie, and not the loue that he bare to Gods glorie or affection to his people.
25 o He gaue Ezra ful autoritie to restore all things according to the worde of God and to punish them that resisted and wolde not obeie.
27 p Thus Ezra gaue God thankes for that he gaue him so good successe in his affaires by reason of the King.