1 ! At the commandement of Darius King of Persian after the Temple was buylded and dedicate, the children of Israel kepe the feast of unleauened bread.
2 a Wherein were the actes of the Kings of Medes and Persians.
4 / Or, rowes, or courses.
5 b Meaning, Zerubbabel, to whome he giueth charge.
6 c Medle not with them nether hinder them.
12 e Who hathe appointed that place to haue his name called vpon there.
14 f Whome God stired vp to assure them that he wolde giue their worke good successe.
15 g This the twelte moneth, and conteineth parte of Februarie and parte of Marche.
15 h And the two and fortieth after their first returne.
21 i Which were of the heathen and forsaked their idolatrie to worship the true God.
22 k Meaning, Darius who was King of the Medes, Persians and Assyrians.
22 / Ebr. to strengthen their hands.