3 b When he was but sixtene yere olde, he shewed him selfe zealous of Gods glorie, & at twentie yere olde he abolished idolatrie and restored the true religion.
7 e This great zeale of this godlie King the holie Gost setteth forthe as an example & paterne to other Kings & rulers, to teache them what God requireth of them.
12 g Meaning, that they were in suche credite for their fidelitie, that they made none accomptes of that which thei receiued, {2 King 22,9}
14 h Read {2 King 22,8}
16 i For the King was commanded to haue continually a copie of this boke, & to read therein day & night, {Deut. 17,18}
19 k For sorow that the worde of God had bene so long suppressed, and the people kept in ignorance, considering also the curses conteined therein against the transgressours.
21 l Thus the godlie do not only lament their owne sinnes, but also that their fathers and predecessours haue offended God.
22 / Or, Harbu.
22 m Meaning, ether of the Priests apparel, or of the Kings.
22 n Read, hereof, {2 King. 22,15}
25 p This she speaketh in contempt of the idolaters, who contrarie to reason and nature make that a god, which they haue made, and framed with their wone hands.
27 q This declareth what is the end of Gods threatnings, to call his to repentance, & to assure the vnrepentant of their destruction.
27 ! God heareth his prayer.
28 r It may appeare that very fewe were touched with true repentance, seing that God spared them for a time onely for the Kings sake.
30 s Forasmuch as nether yong nor olde colde be exempted from the curses conteined therein, if they did transgresse, he knewe it apperteined to all & was his duetie to se it red to all sortes, that euerie one might learne to auoyde those punishements by seruing God aright.