1 a In token of the wonderful benefites, that he receiued of God.
2 ! Dauid after his victories praiseth God.
2 b By the diuersitie of these comfortable names, he sheweth how his faith was strengthened in all tentacions.
5 c As Dauid (who was the figure of Christ) was by Gods power deliuered from all dangers so Christ and his Church shal ouercome moste greuous dangers, tyrannie, and death.
8 ! The angre of God toward the wicked.
9 e Lightening & thundering.
9 d That is, cloudes, and vapors.
10 f So it semeth when the aire is darcke.
11 g To flie in a moment through the worlde.
13 h By this description of a tempest he declareth the power of God against his enemies.
16 i He alludeth to the miracle of the red Sea.
19 k I was so beset, that all meanes semed to faile.
21 l Toward Saul and mine enemies.
22 m I attempted nothing without his commandement.
27 n Their wickednes is cause, that thou semest to forget thy wonted mercie.
31 o The maner that God vseth to succour his, neuer faileth.
34 p He vseth extraordinarie meanes to make me winne moste strong holdes.
40 q He acknowledgeth that God was the autor of his victories, who gaue him strength.
42 r The wicked in their necessitie are compelled to flie to God, but it is to late.
44 s Meaning of the Jewes who conspired against me.
44 ! He prophecieth of the rejection of the Jewes, and vocacion of the Gentiles.
45 t Not willingly obeying me by dissemblingly.
47 u Let him shewe his power, that he is the gouernour of all the worlde.