2 a According to their bandes, or ensignes.
3 / Ebr fell as {Gen. chap. 25,18}
3 b Meaning, a long tyme, that is foure monethes and certeine dayes, {Chap. 27,7}
4 c Wolde not Saul receiue him to fauour, if he colde betraye vs?
4 ! The princes of the Philistims cause Dauid to be sent backe from the battel against Israel, because they distrusted him.
6 d That is, was conuersant with me.
6 / Ebr. thou are not good in the eyes of the princes.
8 e This dissimulacion can not be excused: for it grieued him to go against the people of God.
30 f With them that fled vnto thee from Saul.