1 a Whiles these things were done.
1 b Before he toke vpon him the state of a King.
3 d That euerie one shulde prepare them selues to warre.
3 c Of Kiriath-jearim, where the Arke was, {Chap. 10,5}
3 ! The Philistims are smitten of Saul & Jonathan.
5 e Which was also called Beth-el, in the tribe of Benjamin.
7 f Where the two tribes & the halfe remained.
8 g Thinking that the absence of the Prophet was a signe, that they shulde lose the victorie.
11 h Thogh these causes seme sufficient in mans judgement: yet because they had not the worde of God, they turned to his destruction.
13 i Who willed thee to obey him and rest vpon the wordes spoken by his Prophet.
13 ! Saul being disobedient to Gods commandment is shewed of Samuel that he shal not reigne.
15 l And went to his citie Ramah.
17 / Or, the destroiers to wit, the captaine came out with the bands.
18 m So that to mans judgement these thre armies would haue ouerrunne the whole countrey.
19 ! The great slauerie, wherein the Philistims kept the Israelites.
22 n To declare that the victorie onely came of God & not by their force.