1 ! A Leuites wife being an harlot, forsoke her housband, and he toke her againe.
2 / Ebr. besides him: to wit, with others.
6 a That is, his concubines father.
8 b Meaning, that he shulde refresh him selfe with meate, as {vers. 5}.
9 c To wit, to the towne or citie where he dwelt.
12 d Thogh in these daies there were most horrible corruptions, yet very necessitie colde not compel them to haue to do with them that professed not the true God.
16 e That is, of the tribe of Benjamin.
18 f To Shiloh Mizpeh where the Arke was.
20 / Or, be of good comfort.
21 / Ebr, men of Belial: that is giuen to all wickednes.
22 g To the intent they might breake it.
24 h That is, abuse them.
25 ! At Gibeah she was moste vilenously abused to the death.
26 i She fell downe dead, as {vers. 27}.
28 k Meaning, home vnto mount Ephraim.
29 ! The Leuite cutteth her in pieces and sendeth her to the twelue tribes.
30 l For this was like the sin of Sodom, for the which God rained down sire & brimstone from heauen.