1 ! Samson desireth to haue a wife of the Philistims.
2 /Ebr. take her for me to wife.
3 a Thogh his parents did justely reproue him, yet it appeareth that this was the secret worke of the Lord, {vers. 4},
4 b To fight against them for the deliuerance of Israel.
6 c Whereby he had strength & boldenes.
8 / Or, to take here to his wife.
10 d Meaning, when he was maried.
11 e That is, her parents or friendes.
12 f To weare at feastes or solemne dayes.
12 ! He propoundeth a riddle.
15 g Or, drewe nere: for it was the fourthe day.
16 h Vnto them which are of my nacion.
17 i Or, to the seuenth day, begynning at the fourthe.
18 k If ye had not vsed the helpe of my wife.
19 l Which was one of the fiue chief cities of the Philistims.
20 ! His wife forsaketh him and taketh another.