1 ! Israel is oppressed of the Midianites for their wickednes.
2 a For feare of the Midianites thei fled into the dennes of the mountaines.
4 b Euen almost the whole countrey.
6 c This is the end of Gods punishments, to call his to repentance that they may seke for helpe from him.
11 / Or, to prepare his flight.
13 d This came not of distrust, but of weakenes of faith, which is in the moste perfect: for no man in this life can haue a perfect faith, but the children of God haue a true faith, whereby they be justified.
14 ! Gideon is sent to be their deliuerer.
14 e That is, Christ appearing in visible forme.
14 f Which I haue giuen thee.
17 g So that we se how the flesh is enemie vnto Gods vocation which cannot be persuaded without signes.
19 h Or Ephah, read { Exod. 16,36}.
21 i By the power of God onely, as in the sacrifice of Helias, {1 King. 18,38}.
24 / Or, the Lord of peace.
25 k That is, as the Chalde text writeth, fed seuen yeres.
26 l Which growed about Baals altar.
28 m Meaning the fat bul, which was kept to be offred vnto Baal.
31 n Thus, we oght to justify them that are zelous of Gods cause, thogh all the multitude by against them.
35 o The familie of Abiezer, whereof he was.
36 p This request preceded not of infidelitie, but that he might be confirmed in his vocation.
40 q Whereby he was assured that it was a miracle of God.