1 a Which saith, that he hathe things reueiled vnto him in dreames.
1 ! The inticers to idolatrie must be slaine, seme they neuer so holy.
2 b He sheweth whereunto the false prophets tend.
3 c God ordeineth all these things that his may be knowen.
5 d Being contemned by testimonies & condemned by the judge.
6 f Whome thou louest as thy life.
6 e All natural affections must giue place to Gods honour.
6 ! So nere of kinred or frendship,
9 g As the witnes is charged, {Chap.17,7}.
12 ! Or great in multitude, or power.
13 / Ebr. children of Belial.
14 h Which art appointed to se fautes punished.
16 i Signifyng that no idolatrie is so excreable, nor more grieuously to be punished, then of them which once professed God.
17 k Of the spoyle of that idolatrous & cursed citie, read {Chap. 7,26}.