1 ! God doeth them not good for their owne righteousnes, but for his owne sake.
2 b By the report of the spies, {Nomb. 13,29}
3 c To guide thee & gouerne thee.
4 d Man of him selfe can deserue nothing but Gods angre, & if God spare anie it cometh of his great mercie.
6 e Like the stubberne oxen which wil not endure their masters yoke.
7 f He proueth by the length of time, that their rebellion was moste great, & intolerable.
7 ! Moses putteth them in remembrance of their sinnes.
10 g That is miraculously, & not by the hand of men.
12 h So sone as man declineth from the obedience of God, his waies are corrupt.
14 i Signifyng that the praiers of the faithful are a barre to staie Gods angre, that he consume not all.
16 k That is from the Lawe: wherein he declareth what is the cause of our perdition.
17 ! The two tables are broken.
20 l Whereby he sheweth what danger thei are in, that haue autoritie, & resist not wickednes.
23 n At the returne of the spies.
25 o Whereby is signified that God requireth earnest continuance in praier.
26 ! Moses prayeth for the people.
27 p The godlie in their praiers grounde on Gods promes, & confess their sinnes.