1 ! The Israelites may make no couenant with the Gentiles.
5 ! They must destroy the idoles.
5 b God wolde haue his seruice pure without all idolatrous ceremonies and superstitions.
8 ! The election dependeth on the fre loue of God.
8 c Frely, finding no cause in you more then in others so to do.
9 d And so put difference betwene him & idoles.
10 e Meaning, manifestly, or in this life.
12 f This couenant is grounded vpon his fre grace: therefore in recompensing their obedience he hathe respect to his mercie & not to their merites.
16 g We oght not to be merciful where God commandeth serueritie.
19 ! The experience of the power of God oght to confirme vs.
19 / Or, plagues, with trials, as {Chap. 29,3, exod.15:28 & 16,4}.
20 h There is not so smale a creature, which I wil not arme to fight on thy side against them.
22 i So, that it is your commoditie that God accomplish not his promes so sone as you wolde wish.
25 k And be intised to idolatrie.
25 ! To auoide all occasion of idolatrie.