1 / Or, judgements.
7 c Some read, you shalt whet them vpon thy children: to wit, that they may printe them more depely in memorie.
12 e Let not welthe and ease cause thee forget Gods mercies, whereby thou wast deliuered out of miserie.
16 ! Not to tempt God.
20 i God requireth not onely that we serueth him all our life, but also that we take paine that our posteritie may set forthe his glorie.
23 k Nothing oght to moue vs more to true obedience then the great benefites which we haue receiued of God.
25 l But because none colde fully obey the lawe, we must haue our recours to Christ to be justified by faith.
25 ! Righteousnes is conteined in the Lawe.