1 ! Moses with the men and women sing praises vnto God for their deliuerance.
1 a Praising God for the ouerthrowe of his enemies and their deliuerance.
2 b To worship him therein.
2 / Or, the occasion of my song of praise.
3 d Euer constant in his promes.
3 c In battel he ouercometh euer.
7 e Those, that are enemies to Gods people, are his enemies.
8 / Or, in the depth of the Sea.
11 g Which oghtest to be praised with all feare & reuerance.
11 f For so, often times the Scripture calleth the mightie men of the worlde.
13 h That is, into the Land of Canaan: or into mount Zion.
16 / Or, for thy great power.
17 i Which was mount Zion, where afterward the Temple was buylt.
20 k Signifing their great joye, which custome the Jews obserued in certein solemnities. {Jud. 11,34 & 21,21}: but it oght not to be a cloke to couer our wanton dances.
21 l By singing the like song of thankes giuing.
25 ! At the praier of Moses the bitter waters are swete.
25 m That is, God, or Moses in Gods name.
26 n Which is, to do that onely that God commandeth.