1 ! The moraine of beastes.
4 a He shal declare his heauie judgement against his enemies, & his fauor toward his children.
7 b In to the land of Goshen, where the Israelites dwelled.
10 ! The plague of botches & sores.
14 c So that thine owne conscience shal condemne thee of ingratitude & malice.
16 d That is, that all the world may magnifie my power in ouer comming thee.
19 e Here we se, thogh Gods wrath be kindeled, yet there is a certein mercie shewed euen to his enemies.
21 / Ebr. set not his heart to.
21 f The worde of the minister is called the worde of God.
23 ! The horrible haile, thundre, and the lightening.
24 / Or, since it was inhabited.
26 ! The land of Goshen euer is excepted.
27 g The wicked confess their sinnes to their condemnation, but they cannot beleue to obteine remission.
27 ! Pharaoh confesseth his wickednes.
30 h Meaning that when they haue their request, they are neuer the better.
33 ! Moses praieth for him.
35 / Ebr. by the hand of Moses.