1 a This seconde blessing was to confirme Jaakobs faith, lest he shulde thinke that his father had giuen it without Gods motion.
4 b The godlie fathers were put in minde continually, that they were but strangers in this worlde: to the intent they shulde lift vp their eyes to the heauens where they shulde haue a dweling.
9 c Thinking hereby to haue reconciled him selfe to his father, but all in vaine: for he taketh not awaie the cause of the euil.
9 / Or, beside his wiues.
12 d Christ is the ladder whereby God and man are joyned together, and by whome the Angels ministre vnto vs: all graces by him are giuen vnto vs, & we by him ascend into heauen.
13 e He felt the force of this promes onely by faith: for all his life time he was but a stranger in this land.
20 h He bindeth not God vnder this condition but acknollageth his infirmitie, and promiseth to be thankeful.
20 ! Jaakob asketh of God onely meat and clothing.