2 a Therefore the miracle was greater.
7 b She accuseth her selfe of ingratitude that she did not belieue the Angel.
9 c He derided Gods promes made to Izhak, which the Apostle calleth persecution, {Gal. 4:29}.
9 ! Ishmael mocketh Izhak.
12 d The promesd sede shalbe counted from Isaac and not from Ishmael. {Rom. 9,7, ebr. 11,18}.
13 e The Ishmaelites shal come of him.
14 f True faith renonceth all natural affections to obey Gods commandement.
14 ! Hagar is cast out with her sonne.
17 g For his promess sake made to Abraham, and not because the childe had discretion and judgement to pray.
17 ! The Angel comforteth Hagar.
19 h Except God open our eyes, we can nether se nor vse the means which are before vs.
20 i As touching outwarde things God caused him to prosper.
20 / Or, shot in the bowe, and was an hunter.
22 ! The couenant betwene Abimelech & Abraham.
23 / Ebr. deale falsly with me, or lye.
24 k So it is a lauful thing to take an othe in matters of importance, for to justify the trueth and to assure others of our sinceritie.
26 l Wicked servants do many euils vnknowen to their masters.
31 / Or, well of the othe, or of seuen meaning lambes.
32 m Thus we se that the godlie, as touching outwarde things, may make peace with the wickid that knowe not the true God.
33 n That is, he worshiped God in all points of true religion.