1 b In appointing him no certeine place he proueth so muche more his faith & obedience.
1 a From the flood to this time were thre hundred thre score and thre yere.
6 e He wandred to and fro in the land before he colde find a settling place: thus God exerciseth the faith of his children.
6 f Which was a cruel and rebellious nation, by whome God kept his in a continual exercise.
6 / Or, oke groue.
7 g It was not ynough for him to worship God in his heart, but it was expedient to declare by outwarde profession his faith before men, whereof this altar was a signe.
8 i And so served the true God, & renounced all idolatrie.
9 k Thus the children of God may loke for no rest in this worlde, but must waite for the heauenly rest and quietnes.
10 l This was a newe trial of Abrams faith: wherby we se that the end of one affliction is the beginning of an other.
13 m By this we maie learne not to vse vnlawful meanes, nor to put others in danger to saue our selves. Read {verse 20}. Albeit it maie appear that Abram feared not somuch death as that, if he shulde die without isue, Gods promise shulde not haue taken place: wherein appeared a weake faith.
13 / Ebr. that my soule maie liue.
15 n To be his wife.