To the chief musician on Neginoth, Maschil, a psalm: of David, when the Ziphims came and said to Saul, doth not David hide himself with us?
1 Preserve me, by thy name, o God,
and by thy strength judge me.
2 O God, my pray’r hear, give ear to
words in my mouth that be.
3 For strangers up against me rise,
and who oppress me sore,
pursue my soul; neither have they
set God themselves before. Selah.
4 Lo, God helps me, the Lord’s with them
that do my soul sustain.
5 He shall reward ill to my foes:
them in thy truth restrain.
6 Unto thee sacrifice will I,
with voluntariness;
Lord, to thy name I will give praise,
because of thy goodness.
7 For he hath me delivered,
out of all miseries:
and its desire mine eye hath seen
upon mine enemies.