A psalm of David, when he changed his behaviour before Abimelech, who drove him away and he departed.
1 I’LL bless God always; his praise shall
still in my mouth be had.
2 My soul shall boast in God: the meek
shall hear this and be glad.
3 Exalt the Lord with me, his name
let us together advance.
4 I sought, God heard, who gave from all
my fears deliverance.
5 Him they beheld, and light’ned were,
nor sham’d were their faces.
6 This poor man cry’d, the Lord him heard,
and freed from all distress.
7 His camp about them round doth pitch
the Angell of the Lord;
who do him fear; and to them doth
deliverance afford.
8 O taste, also consider ye,
that God is good: o blest,
that man is ever whose hope doth
for safety in him rest.
9 O stand in fear of Jehovah,
his holy ones who be.
because that such as do him fear
not any want shall see.
10 The Lions young do suffer lack,
and suffer hungering:
but they that seek Jehovah, shall
not want any good thing.
11 I will you teach to fear the Lord:
come children hark to me.
12 Who is the man that willeth life:
and loves good days to see?
13 Thy tongue from evil, and thy lips
from speaking guile keep thou.
14 Depart from evil and do good:
seek peace, and it follow.
15 Upon the men that righteous are
the Lord doth set his eye:
and likewise he doth bow his ear
when unto him they cry.
16 Jehovah’s face is set against
them that do wickedly:
that he of them from off the earth
may cut the memory.
17 They cry’d, God heard, and set them free,
from their distresses all.
18 To broken hearts the Lord is near,
and contrite save he shall.
19 The just mans sorrows many are,
from all God sets him free.
20 He keepeth all his bones, that none
of them shall broken be.
21 Evil shall certainly bring death
the wicked man upon:
and those that hate the just shall come
to desolation.
22 The souls of them that do him serve,
Jehovah doth redeem:
nor any shall be desolate,
that put their trust in him.