To the chief Musician on Neginoth upon- Sheminith, A Psalm of David
1 LORD in thy wrath rebuke me not,
nor in thy hot wrath chasten me.
2 Pity me, Lord, for I am weak:
Lord, heal me; for my bones vex’d be.
3 Also my soul is troubled sore:
how long, Lord, wilt thou me forsake?
4 Return, O Lord, my soul release:
oh save me for thy mercy sake.
5 In death no mem’ry is of thee:
and who shall praise thee in the grave?
6 I faint with groans; all night my bed
swims; I with tears my couch wash’d have.
7 Mine eye with grief is dim and old
because of all mine enemies.
8 But now depart away from me,
all ye that work iniquities;
for Jehovah ev’n now hath heard
the voice of these my weeping tears.
9 Jehovah heard my humble suit;
Jehovah doth receive my prayers.
10 Let all mine enemies be asham’d
and greatly troubled let them be:
yea let them be returned back
and be ashamed suddenly.