1 ! He sheweth that throught the abundant mercies of God we are elect and regenerate to a liuelie hope.
2 / Or, vnto obedience.
2 b The fre election of God is the efficient cause of our saluation, the material cuase is Christs obedience, our effectual calling is the formal cause, and the final cause is our sanctificacion.
6 g And nede doeth so require, when it pleaseth God to lay his crosse vpon his, for to drawe them from earthlie things & make them partakers of his heauenlie graces.
7 h At his seconde comming.
12 i Their ministerie was more profitable to vs then to them: for we se the things accomplished which they prophecied.
13 l Vntil his seconde comming.
23 ! He exhorteth them to a godlie couersation, forasmuche as they are now borne a newe by the worde of God.