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0 ! When Titus was left in Creta to finish that doctrine which Paul had there begonne, Satan stirred vp certeine which went about not onely to ouerthrowe the gouernement of the Church, but also to corrupt the doctrine: for some by ambition wolde haue thrust in them selues to be pastours: others, vnder pretext of Moses Law broght in manie trifles. Against these two sortes of men Paul armeth Titus: first teaching him what maner of ministers he oght to chose, chiefly requiring that they be men of sounde doctrine to the intent they might resist the aduersaries, and amongs other things he noteth the Jewes which put a certeine holines in meates & suche outwarde ceremonies, teaching them which are the true exercises of a Christian life, & what thing apperteine to euerie mans vocation. Against the which if anie man rebelle or els doeth not obey, he willeth him to be auoyded.