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0 ! The Apostle being now ready to confirme that doctrine with his blood, which he had professed and taught, encourageth Timotheus *& in him all the faithful) in the faith of the Gospel, & in the constant & syncere confession of the same: willing him not to shrinke for feare of afflictions, but partiely to attende the yssue, as do housband men which at length receiue the frutes of their labour & to cast of all feare & care, as souldiers do which seke onely to please their captiene: shewing him briefly the summe of the Gospel, which he preached, commanding him to preache the same to others, diligently taking hede of contentions, curious disputations, & vaine questions, to the intent that his doctrine may all together edifie. considering that the examples of Hymeneus & Philetus, which subuerted the true doctrine of the resurrection, were so horrible: & yet to the intent that no man shulde be offended at their fall, being men of autoritie and in estimation, he sheweth that all that professe Christ, are not his, & that the Church is subject to this calamitie: that the euil must dwell among the good til Gods trial come: yet he reserueth them whome he hathe elected, euen to the end. And that Timotheus shulde not be discouraged by the wicked, he declareth what abominable men, & dangerous times shal followe, willing him to arme him self with the hope of the good yssue that God wil giue vnto his, and to exercise him self diligently in the Scriptures, bothe against the aduersaries, and for the vtilitie of the Church, desiring him to come to him for certeine necessarie affaires, and so with his and others salutations endeth.