2 a As false reuelation, or dreames.
3 d This wicked Antichrist comprehendeth the whole sucession of the persecuters of the Church, & all that abominable kingdome of Satan, whereof some were beares, some lyons, others leopardes, as Daniel describeth them, and is called the man of sinne because he setteth him slef vp against God.
3 c A wonderful departing of the moste parte from the faith.
3 ! He sheweth them that the day of the Lord shal not come, til the departing from the faith come first.
6 f Because the false apostles had persuaded after a sorte the Thessalonians, that the day of the Lord was nere, and so the redemption of the Church; Paul teacheth them to loke for this horrible dissipation before, and therefore rather to prepare them selues to patience, then to rest and quietnes: for as yet there was a let, that is, that the Gospel shulde be preached throughout all, {Mat. 24,14}
7 h Which shal stay for a time.
9 ! And the kingdome of Antichrist.
13 n The founteine of our election is the loue of God: the sanctification of the Spirit, & belieuing the trueth are testimonies of the same election.
13 o Before the fundacion of the worlde.
13 p And Gospel.
15 ! And therefore he exhorteth them not to be deceiued but to stand stedfast in the things that he hath taught them.
15 r That is, the doctrine, {1 Thes. 2,2. chap 3,6}
15 s That is, by my preaching of the Gospel.