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0 ! While Paul was prisoner at Rome, there entred in among the Ephesians false teachers, who corrupted the true doctrine which he had taught them, by reason whereof he wrote this Epistle to confiirme them in that thing, which they had learned from him. And first ofter his salutacion, he assureth them of saluacion, because they were thereunto predestinate by the fre election of God, before they were borne, and sealed vp to this eternal life by the holie Gost, giuen vnto them by the Gospel, the knowledge of the which mysterie he prayeth God to confirme towarde them. And to the intent they shulde not glorie in them selues, he sheweth them their extreme miserie, wherein they were plonged before they knewe Christ, as people without God, Gentiles to whome the promises were not made, and yet by the fre mercie of God in Christ Jesus, they were saued, and he appointed to be their Apostle, as of all other Gentiles: therefore he desireth God to lighten the Ephesians hearts with the perfite vnderstanding of his Sonne, & exhorteth them like wise to be mindful of so great benefites, nether to be moued with the false apostles, which seke to ouerthrowe their faith, and treade vnder fote the Gospel, which was not preached to them, as by chance or fortune, but according to the eternal counsel of God: who by this meanes preserueth onely his Church. Therefore the Apostle commendeth his ministerie, forasmuche as God thereby reigneth among men, and causeth it to bring forthe moste plentiful frutes, is innocencie, holines, with all suche offices apperteining to godlines. Last of all, he declareth not onely in general what oght to be the life of the Christians, but also sheweth particularly, what things concerne euerie mans vocacion.