1 a His first comming was his dwelling among them: his seconde was his first epistle, & now he is ready to come the third time: which thre commings he calleth his thre witnesses.
1 ! He threateneth the obstinate.
4 d Christ as touching the flesh in mans judgement was vile & abject: therefore we that are his members, can not be otherwise estemed: but being crucified, he shewed him self verie God: so thinke, that we whome ye contemne as dead men & castawayes, haue through God suche power to execute against you, that ye may fele sensibly that we liue in Christ.
10 g Commit not by your negligence that, that which is ordeined to saluation, turne to your destruction.
10 ! Also he sheweth what is the effect of this epistle.