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0 ! As nothing can be written, ether so perfitely, or with so great affection and zeale, which is vnprofitable to many, and resisted by some: so the first epistle written by S. Paul to the Corinthians, besides the puritie and perfection of the doctrine, sheweth a loue towarde them farre passing all natural affections which did not onely not profit all, but hardened the hearts of many to remaine in their stubbernes, and contemne the Apostles autoritie. By reason whereof S. Paul, being let with just occasions to come vnto them, wrote this epistle from Macedonia, minding to accomplish the worke which he had begonne among them. First therefore he wisheth them wel in the Lord, declaring, that albeit certeine wicked persones abused his afflictions to condemne thereby his autoritie, yet they were necessarie schoolings, and sent to him by God for their bettering. And where as they blame his long absence, it came of no inconstancie, but to beare with their inhabilitie and imperfection, lest contrary to his fatherly affectioni, he shulde haue bene compelled to vse rigour and seueritie. And as touching his sharpe writing in the former epistle, it came through their faute, as is now euident bothe in that, that he pardoneth the trespacer, seing he doeth repent: and also in that he was vnquiet in his minde, til he was certified by Titus of their estate. But forasmuche as the false Apostles wnet about to vndermine his autoritie, he ??? their arrogant bragges, and commendeth his office, and the diligent executing of the same: so that Satan must haue greatly blinded their eyes, which se not the brightnes of the Gospel in his preaching the effect whereof is newnes of life, forsaking of our sleues, cleauing to God, fleing from idolatrie, embracying the true doctrine, and that sorrowe which engendreth true repentance: to the which is joyned mercie and compassion towards our brethren: also wisdome to put difference betwixt the simplicitie of the Gospel, and the arrogancie of the false preachers, who vnder pretence of preaching the trueth, soght onely to fil their bellies, where as he contrariwise, soght them, and not their goods, as those ambitius persones sclandered him: wherefore at his comming he menaceth suche as rebell against his autoritie, that he wil declare by liuelie example, that he is the faithful ambassadour of Jesus Christ.