1 a So much as was subject to the Romains.
2 b Whereby the people were more charged and oppressed.
4 c He sheweth by what occasion Jesus was borne in Bethlehem.
7 e Whereby appeared his pouertie, and their crueltie which wolde not pitie suche a woman in suche case.
7 ! The birth and circumcision of Christ.
11 f Which was Beth-lehem.
12 g Because thei shulde not be offended with Christs poore estate, the Angel preuenteth this doute, and sheweth in what sorte they shulde finde him.
14 h The fre mercie & good wil of God, which is the founteine of our peace and felicitie, & is chiefly declared to the elect.
22 ! He was receiued into the Temple.
23 / Or, that is first borne.
24 i Which offring was appointed to them which were poore that they were not able to offer a lambe.
25 k The Spirit of prophecie.
27 / Grek, in the Spirit.
28 ! Simeon and Anna prophecie of him.
29 l Simeon declareth him slef to dye willingly since he hathe sene the Messias which was promised.
30 m The meane and substance of saluation.
32 / Or, for the reuelacion of.
34 o To be the fall of the reprobate which perishe through their owne defaut, & raising vp of the elcet to whome God giueth faith.
34 n That is, praied to God fro them, and for the prosperitie of Christs kingdome.
35 p That is, sorrowes shulde pearce her heart, as a sworde.
35 q This chiefly appeareth when the crosse is layd vpon vs, whereby mens hearts are tryed.
36 r She was seuen yeres maryed.
37 s She was continually in the Temple.
46 ! He was founde among the doctours.
49 t Our duetie to God is to be preferred before father and mother.
50 u For his vocation was not yet manifestly knowen.
51 ! His obedience to father and mother.