1 a For thogh all other people shulde escape, yet thou shalt be punished.
1 b Thou hast comitted idolatrie in hope of rewarde, & to haue they barnes filled, {Jere. 44, 17} as an harlot that had rather liue by playing the whore then to be interteined of her owne housband.
4 e The meat offring which thei offred for them selues.
5 f When the Lord shal take away all the occassions of seruing him, which shalbe the moste grieuous point of your captiuitie, when you shal se yourselues cut of from God.
6 g Thogh they thinke to escape by fleing the destruction that is at hand, yet shal they be destroyed, in the place whether they flee for succour.
7 h Then they shal knowe that they were deluded by them who chalenged to them selues to be their Prophetes & spiritual men.
9 k This people is so rooted in their wickednes, that Gibeah which was like to Sodom was neuer more corrupt, {Jud. 19,22}.
10 l Meaning, that he so estemed them and delited in them.
10 m They were as abominable vnto me, as their louers the idoles.
11 n Signifying that God wold destroy their children by these sundry meanes, and so consume them by litle and litle.
13 o As they kept tender plantes in their houses in Tyrus to preserue them from the colde ayre of the sea, so was Ephraim at the first vnto me, but now I wil giue him to the slaughter.
14 p The Prophet seing the great plagues of God roward Ephraim, praieth to God to make them baren, rather then that this great slaughter shulde come vpon their children.