1 a Meaning, that there was no one kinde of vice among them, but that they were subject to all wickednes, bothe secret & open.
4 c He compareth the rage of the people to a burning ouen which the baker heateth stil til his dowe be leauened, and raised.
5 d They vsed all riot & excesse in their feasts & solemnities, whereby their King was ouercome with surfet, & broght unto diseases and delited in faltteries.
8 f That is, eh contersaiteth the religion of the Gentiles, yet is but as a cake baked on the ons side, & raw on the other, that is, nether through hote nor through cold, but partely a Jewe, and partely a Gentil.
11 h That is, without all judgement, as they that can not tel whether it is better to cleaue onely to god, or to seke the helpe of man.
12 i According to my curses made to the whole congregation of Israel.
14 l When they were in affliction, & cryed out for paine, they soght not vnto me for helpe.