3 b That is, suche which seme to haue an outward shew of righteousnes, by obseruation of the ceremonies of the Law.
3 ! He threateneth the sworde, and destruction to Jerusalem.
10 g Meaning, the sceptre: shewing, that it wil not spare the King who shulde be as the sonne of God, and in his place.
10 h That is, the rest of the people.
13 l Ezekeil moued with compassion, thus complaineth fearing the destruction of the kingdome, which God had confirmed to Dauid, and his posteritie by promes: which promes God performed, althogh here it semeth to mans eye that it shulde vtterly perish.
19 o This was spoken, because that when Bebuchad-nezzar came against Judah, his purpose was also to go against the Ammonites: but douting in the way, which enterprise to vndertake first, he consulted with his sothsaiers, and so went against Judah.
21 q To knowe whether he shulde go against the Ammonites or them of Jerusalem.
23 f Because there was a league betwene the Jewes and the Babylonians, they of Jerusalem shal thenke nothing lesse then that this thing shulde come to passe.
23 t That is Nebuchad-nezzar wil remember the rebellion of Zedekiah, and so come vpon them.
25 u Meaning, Zedekiah, who practised with the Egyptians to make him self hie, and to resist the Babylonians.
26 x Some referre this to the Priests attire: for Jehozadek the Priest went into captiuitie with the King.
27 y That is, vnto the comming of Messiah: for thogh the Jewes had some signe of gouernment afterward vnder the Persians, Grekes, and Romains, yet this restitution was not til Christs coming, and at length shulde be accomplished, as was promised, {Gen. 49,10}