1 b Signifying, that Gods benefites can not be froght for money.
1 a Christ by proposing his graces & gifts to his Church exempteth the hypocrites which are ful with thei imagined workes & the Epicures, which are ful with their worldelie lusts & so thirst most after these waters.
1 c By waters, wine, milke, & bread, he meaneth all things necessarie to the spiritual life, as these are necessarie to this corporal life.
2 d He reproueth their ingratitude, which refuse those things that God offreth willingly, and in the meane time spare nether cost nor labour to obteine those, which are nothing profitable.
2 e You shalbe fed abundantly.
3 f The same couenant, which through my mercie, I ratified & confirmed to Dauid that it shulde be eternal, {2 Sam. 7,13}, {act 13,34}.
7 k Hereby he sheweth that repentance must by joyned with faith, & how we can not call vpon God aright, except the frutes of our faith appeare.
8 lAlthogh you are not sone reconciled one to another & judge me by your selues, yet I am most easie to reconciled, yea I offer my mercies to you.
11 m If these smale things haue their effect, as daiely experience sheweth, muche more shal my promes which I haue made & confirmed, bring to passe the thing whichI haue spoken for your deliuerance.
12 n Read {Chap 44,23; 49,13}
13 p Of Gods deliuerance, & that he wil, neuer forsake his Church.