1 a On the sea side betwene Judea & Chaldea was a wildernes, whereby he meaneth Chaldea.
1 b That is the ruine of Babylon by the Medes, and Persians.
2 c The Assyrians and Chaldeans, which had destroyed other nations, shal be ouercome of the Medes & Persians, and this he prophecied an hundreth yere before it came to passe.
2 d By Elam he meaneth the Persians.
2 e Because thei shal finde no succour, they shal mourne no more, or, I haue caused them to cease mourning, whome Babylon had afflicted.
4 g He prophecieth the death of Belshazar as {Dan 5, 30} who in the middes of his pleasures was destroyed.
9 m The watchman, whome Isaiah set vp, tolde him, who came toward Bablyon, and the Angel declared that it shulde be destroyed: all this was done in a vision.
10 / Ebr., (???).
11 o Which was a citie of the Ishmaelites & was so named of Dumah, {Gen. 25, 4}.
11 p A mountaine of the Idumeans.
12 q He describeth the vnquietnes of the people of Dumah, who were night and day in feare of their enemies, and euer ran to and fro to enquire newes.
13 r For feare, the Arabians shal flee into the woods, and he appointeth what way thei shal take.
16 u Read {Chap. 16, 14}.