1 a This is spoken in the persone of the Church, or the faithful soule, inflamed with the desire of Christ, whome she loueth.
1 ! The familiar talke and mystical communication of the spiritual loue betwene Jesus Christ and his Church.
2 c Thei that are pure in heart & conuersation.
3 d The faithful confesse that thei can not come to Christ except thei be drawen.
4 f The Church confesseth her spots & sinne, but hathe confidence in the fauour of Christ.
5 k The corruption of the nature through sinne, and afflictions.
5 l Mine owne brethren, which shulde haue moste fauoured me.
5 m She confesseth her owne negligence.
6 o Whome hast called to the dignitie of pastures, and thei set forthe their owne dreames in stead of thy doctrine.
6 ! The domestical enemies that persecute the Church.