1 a Read psal. 16.
1 b Thogh his enemies were euen at hand to destroye him, yet he assured him self that God had wayes ynough in his hand to deliuer him.
3 ! Declareth his innocencie, & their furie.
5 d Seing it apperteineth to Gods judgements to punish the wicked, he desireth God to execute his vengeance on the reprobate, who maliciously persecute his Church.
7 f They boast openly of their wicked deuises, and euerie worde is as a sworde: for thei in ther feare God, nor are ashamed of men.
9 g Thogh Saul haue neuer so great power, yet I knowe that thou doest bridel him: therefore wil I paciently hope on thee.
11 ! Whome thogh he kepe aliue for a time to exercise his peeple, yet in the end he wil consume them in his wrath.
11 i Althogether, but by litle & litle, that the people seing often times thy judgments may be mindeful of thee.
13 l When thy time shal come, and when their haue sufficiently serued for an example of thy vengeance vnto other.
14 m He mocketh at their vaine entreprises, being assured that thei shal not bring their purpose to passe.
16 n Which didest vse the policie of a weake woman to confounde the enemies strength, as {1 Sam. 19,12}