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0 ! This boke of Psalmes is set forthe vnto vs by the holie Gost to be estemed as a most precious treasure, wherein all things are conteined that apperteine to true felicitie: aswel in this life present as in the life to come. For the riches of true knowledge, and heauenlie wisdome are here set open for vs, to take thereof moste abundantly. If we wolde knowe the great, and hie majestie of God, here we may se the brightnes thereof shine moste clearely. If we wolde seke his incomprehensible wisdome, here is the schole of the same profession. If we wolde comprehend his inestimable boutie, and approche nere thereunto, and fil your hands with that treasure, here we may haue a moste liuely, and comfortale taste thereof. If we wolde knowe wherein standeth our saluation, and how to atteine to life euerlasting, here is Christ our onely redemer, and mediator moste euidently described. The riche man may learne the true vse of his riches. The poore man may fynde ful contentation. He that wil rejoyce, shal knowe the true ioe, and how to kepe measure therein. They that are afflicted and oppressed, shal se wherein standeth their comforte, and how they oght to praise God when he sendeth them deliuerance. The wicked and the perfecaters of the children of God shal se how the hand of God is euer against them: and thogh he suffer them to prosper for a while, yet he brideleth them, in so muche as they can not touche an heere of ones head, except he permit them, and how in the end their destruction is moste miserable. Briefly, here we haue moste present remedies against all tentations, and troubles of minde and conscience, so that being wel practised herein, we may be assured against all dangers in this life, liue in the true feare, and loue of God, and at length atteine to that incorruptible crowne of glorie, which is laid vp for all them that loue the comming of our Lord Jesus Christ.