2 a No thought so secret, but thou doest se it, nor anie thing that you thinkest, but thou canst bring it to passe.
3 c I confesse herein mine ignorance, and that I spake I wist not what.
5 e I knowe thee onely before by hearesay: but now thou hast caused me to fele what you art to me, that I may resigne my self ouer vnto thee.
7 f You toke in hand an euil cause in that you condemned him by his outward afflictions and not comforted him with my mercies.
8 h When you haue reconciled your selues to him for the fautes that you haue committed against him, he shal pray for you, & I wil heare him.
11 / Or, lambe, or money so marked.
12 l God made him twise so riche in cattel as he was afore, & gaue him as manie children, as he had taken from him.
14 n As pleasant as caffia, or swete spice.
14 o That is, the horne of beautie.