0 ! As the Lord is euer merciful vnto his Church, and doeth not punishe them, but to the intent they shulde se their wone miseries, and be exercised vnder the crosse, that they might contemne the worlde and aspire vnto the heauens: so after that he had visited the Jewes, and kept them no in bondage seuentie yeres in a strange countrey among infideles and idolaters, he remembred his tendre mercies and their infirmities, and therefore for his owne sake raised them vp a deliuerer, and moued bothe the heart of the chief ruler to pitie them, and also by him punished suche, which had kept them in seruitude. Notwithstanding left they shulde growe into a contempt of Gods great benefite, he kepeth them stil in exercise, and raiseth domestical enemies, which endeuour as muche as they can to hindre their moste worthie enterprises: yet by the exhortacion of the Prophetes they went forward by litle and litle til their worke was finished. The autor of this boke was Ezra, who was Priest, and scribe of the Law, as {chap. 7, 6} he returned to Jerusalem the sixt yere of Darius, who succeded Cyrus, that is, more then fourtie yeres after the returne of the first vnder Zerubbabel, when the Temple was buylt. He broght with him a great companie, and muche treasures, with letters to the Kings officers for all suche things as shulde be necessarie for the Temple: and at his coming he redresed that which was amisse, and set the things in good ordre.