1 a That is, bothe valiant & riche.
2 b So that it might seme that God approued their request in appointing out suche a person.
3 ! Saul seking his fathers asses, by the counsel of his seruant goeth to Samuel.
3 c All these circumstances were means to serue vnto Gods prouidence, whereby Saul (thogh not approued of God) was made King.
5 d Where was Ramath-Zophim the citie of Samuel.
8 e Which is about fiue pence, read {Gen. 23,15}.
9 ! The Prophets called Seers.
9 f So called because he foresaw things to come.
12 g That is, a feast after the offring, which shulde be kept in an hie place of the citie appointed for that vse.
13 h That is, giue thankes, & distribute the meat according to their custome.
15 ! The Lord reueileth to Samuel Sauls comming, commanding him to annoint him King.
16 i Not withstanding their wickednes, yet God was euer mindful of his inheritance.
19 k Meaning, all that you desireth to knowe.
20 l Whome doeth Israel desire to be their King but thee.
22 )m) Where the feast was.
22 ! Samuel bringeth Saul to the feast.
24 n That is, the shoulder with the breast, which the Priest had for his familie in all peace offrings, {Leu.10, 14}
24 o That bothe by the assembling of the people, & by the meat prepared for thee, you mighest vnderstand that I knewe of thy comming.
26 p To speake with him secretly: for the houses were flat aboue.
27 q Gods commandement concerning thee.