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0 This boke is intitled after the name of Ruth: which i the principal persone spoken of in this treatise. Wherein also figuratiuely is set forthe the state of the Church which is subject to manifolde afflictions, and yet at length God giueth god and joyful ??? : teaching vs to abide with pacience til God deliuer vs out of troubles. Herein also is described howe Jesus Christ, who according to the flesh oght to come of Dauid, proceded of Ruth, of whome the Lord Jesus did vouchesaue to come, notwithstanding she was a Moabite of base condicion, and a stranger from the people of God: declaring vnto vs thereby that the Gentiles shulde be sanctified by him and joyned with his people, and that there shulde be but one shepefolde, and one sphphered. And it semeth that this historie apperteineth to the time of the Judges.