1 a Hereby God approueth not that light diuorcement, but permitteth it to auoide further inconuienence. {Matt. 19,7}.
1 ! Diuorcement is permitted.
4 b Seing that by dimitting her, he judged her to be vncleane and defiled.
5 c That they might learne to knowe one anothers conditions and so afterward liue in godly peace.
5 ! He that is newly married is exempted from warre.
6 d Nor anie thing, whereby a man getteth his liuing.
10 e As thogh you woldest appoint what to haue, but shalt receiue what he may spare.
13 f Thogh he wolde be vnthankeful, yet God wil not forget it.
14 ! Wages must not be reteined.
16 ! The good must not be punished for the bad.
17 g Because the world did least esteme these sortes of people, therefore God has moste care ouer them.
17 ! Take care of the stanger, fatherles and widowe.
20 / Or, gatherest thine oliues.
21 / Or, the grapes of thy vineyard.
22 h God judged them not mindeful of his benefite, except they were beneficial vnto others.