2 ! The feasts of the Lord.
4 a For the Sabbath was kept euerie weke, & these other were but kept once euerie yere.
6 ! The feast of vnleauened bread.
7 b Or bodelie labour, saue about that which one muste eat, {Exod. 12,16}.
8 c The first day of the feast and the seuenth were kept holy: in the rest thei might worke, except anie feast were intermedeled, as the feast of vnleauened bread the fiftenth day, and the feast of sheaues the sixtenth day.
10 / Or, an omer: read {Deut. 24,39, ruth 2,15, psal 129,7}.
10 ! The feast of first frutes.
11 d That is, the seconde Sabbath of the passeouer.
13 e Which is the fift parte of an Ephah, or two omers: read {Exod. 16,16}.
15 g That is, the seuenth day after the first Sabbath of the Passeouer.
17 h Because the Priest shulde eat them, as {chap. 7,13}, and they shulde not be offred to the Lord vpon the altar.
20 i That is, offred to the Lord, and the rest shulde be for the Priests.
24 k That is, about the end of September.
24 m Which blowing was to put them in remembrance of the manifolde feasts that were in the monethe, and of the Jubile.
24 ! The feast of blowing trompets.
24 l Or, an holyday to the Lord.
32 o Which conteineth a night and a day, yet thei toke it for their natural day.
32 / Ebr. rest your Sabbath.
34 ! The feast of tabernacles.
36 p Or a day wherein the people are stayed from all worke.
40 / Or, of bowes thicke with leaues.
43 s In the wildernes, forasmuche as thei wolde not credit Joshua and Caleb, when thei returned from spying the land of Canaan.