2 A time to bee borne, and a time to die: a time to plant, and a time to plucke vp that which is planted.
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones: a time to embrace, and a time to be farre from embracing.
11 He hath made euery thing beautifull in his time: also he hath set the worlde in their heart, yet can not man finde out the worke that God hath wrought from the beginning euen to the end.
13 And also that euery man eateth and drinketh, and seeth the commoditie of all his labour. this is the gift of God.
14 I knowe that whatsoeuer God shall doe, it shalbe for euer: to it can no man adde, and from it can none diminish: for God hath done it, that they should feare before him.
15 What is that that hath bene? that is nowe: and that that shalbe, hath now bene: for God requireth that which is past.
16 And moreouer I haue seene vnder the sunne the place of iudgement, where was wickednesse, and the place of iustice where was iniquitie.
17 I thought in mine heart, God wil iudge the iust and the wicked: for time is there for euery purpose and for euery worke.
18 I considered in mine heart the state of the children of men that God had purged them: yet to see to, they are in themselues as beastes.
19 For the condition of the children of men, and the condition of beasts are euen as one condition vnto them. As the one dyeth, so dyeth the other: for they haue all one breath, and there is no excellency of man aboue ye beast: for all is vanitie.
21 Who knoweth whether the spirit of man ascend vpward, and the spirit of the beast descend downeward to the earth?