1 a He speaketh of this diuersitie of time for two causes, first to declare that there is none in this worlde perpetual: next to teache vs not to be grieued, if we haue not all things at once according to our desires, nether enjoye them so long as we wolde with.
11 c God hathe giuen man a desire and affection to seke out the things of this worlde and to labour therein.
13 d Read {Chap. 2, 24} and these places declare that we shulde do all things with sobrietie, & in the feare of God, forasmuche as he giueth not his giftes to the intent that they shulde be abused.
14 e That is, man shal neuer be able to let Gods worke, but as he hathe determined, so it shal come to passe.
14 ! The workes of God are perfite and cause vs to feare him.
17 g Meaning, with God, howsoeuer man neglect his duetie.
19 i Man is not able by his reason, & judgement to put difference betwene man & beast, as touching those things whereunto both are subject: or the eye can not judge anie other wise of a man being dead, then of a beast, which is dead: yet by the worde of God and faith we easely knowe the diuersitie, as {vers 21}
22 l By the often repetition of this sentence, as {Chap. 2, 24 & chap 3, 12, and 22 chap. 5, 17 & chap 8, 15} he declareth that man by reason can comprehend nothing better in this life then to vse the giftes of God soberly & confortably: for to knowe farther is a special gifte of God reueilded by his Spirit.